Wednesday, March 25, 2009

For Tiga

Yes, those are Tiga's puppies. We've always been inspired by that picture, and staff has been trying hard to get a similiar picture. But 10 puppies don't really fit on any given side of the X-pen, so Team Cheers has been stumped for quite some time. Tonight they finally figured it out.
Tiga-this picture is for you:

Tonight is the second to last night that the puppies will be here. Team Cheers has already been discussing how they will deal with "Puppy Moving On" day on Friday. I suspect that it will be with equal parts sadness and happiness. On one hand, they are very cute and it has been a pleasure to watch them grow and see personalities develop. But on the other hand, they are rapidly approaching the stage where they are needing more attention than they can receive here. And sometimes they can be a lot of work. For example, Team Cheers estimates that it has done between 120 and 150 extra loads of laundry. That's a lot of trips up and down the stairs!


Judy said...
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Judy said...

What a cute photo. You did a great job getting all 10 puppies in there and looking at the camera. Not an easy task. Enjoy the home stretch!


Faith - Helping Paws said...

To Cheers' Puppies,

Best wishes for your bright futures. Serve with all your heart and wear your blue coat with pride.

Good luck,

Speak(er) said...

Great job, Cheers staff! I'm so looking forward to my weekly dates with these beautiful puppies. Their new foster homes are so excited for tonight!

Thank you for all you've done to give this next generation of HP Service Dogs are tremendous step up at the start of their lives.

And Cheers - your staff owes you more than a few biscuits for your efforts.
