Thursday, January 22, 2009

I feel pretty!

Last night my staff gave me a bath. They thought that they had better get it done before we got too close to the due date. And no, not because I would be too big to fit in the bathtub. I may have gained weight, but I am not THAT big. Its just that once the puppies come, I will not have time for a bath.

Anyway, I was fussed over, pampered and preened. Bathed, brushed out and feet trimmed up. And I got lots of treats while it was going on. I heard one of my staff say I was getting too many treats, but I can assure you that is not possible. I made sure that staff person got extra wet when I shook myself off!

They also mentioned that I need to look good for Monday. Apparently I am going back to the vet so they can determine how many puppies I am carrying. This strikes me as silly as I already know EXACTLY how many there are. Why don't they just ask me ;)

That's all for now. I must get back in my spot before the staff starts arriving home.

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